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  1. Word Limit- 1000-1200 words. For formatting strictly adhere to APA style of writing.

  2. Evidence of plagiarism will lead to elimination. Articles will be run through multiple plagiarism checks.

  3. Mention all the references properly following APA style. In-Text Citations should be mentioned with the author's last name and the year of publication For e.g. (Arrow 1963). End-Text Citations are not included in the word limit.

  4. Deadline - 17th August 2019 (Saturday), 11:59 PM


Selection Criteria


Candidates will be called for an interview, once they have cleared the article round. The article will be judged based on the following parameters:


  1. Clarity in the subject and how you approach the question.

  2. How thorough you are with the literature review, and how you present your own views with supporting references.

  3. Whether you have adhered to the guidelines and proofread your own article.




1. In the context of output stabilization, should monetary policy be active or passive - update the debate so far. 


2. How does the endowment effect (Divestiture Aversion) contribute to the failure of the Coase Theorem in practice, ultimately leading to the distortion of the bargaining process.


3. Homophily explains an inherent bias towards similar people while forming groups and alliances. Using appropriate concepts and examples under homophily, explain its application in social and economic network formation.


4. How has the global shift in the economic narrative towards nationalistic and populistic policies affected the approach towards climate change. Also comment on whether the current framework keeps climate equity in mind.


5.Friedrich Hayek in The Denationalization of Money(1976) advocated that instead of a national government issuing a specific currency, private businesses should be allowed to issue their own forms of money, deciding how to do so on their own. Comment on the effect of such a mechanism on money supply and inflation in the economy considering the emergence of a large number of cryptocurrencies.


6.How does packaging a product create additional demand for a good with the same composition. For example, consider the case of Magners beer which is packaged and sold by ABInBev at a much higher price as compared to other brands.


7. The latest budget announced that India would start borrowing currencies from external markets, which could expose India to severe exchange rate risk. Give a critique on the above policy and comment on whether quanto credit hedging could be a possible solution to the problem.


8. How far can India's democracy go with an increasing number of people nurturing religious extremism. Discuss the issue keeping in mind its impact on freedom of expression and the notion of secularism.


9. European powers, out of economic self-interest and in a bid to strengthen their bogus belief in a 'civilizing mission', set out on a hunt for colonies centuries ago. Given that democracy and free markets are hard to impose, what paved the way for the triumph of market democracies over feudal socialism. How well does colonialism sync with capitalism in this context? 


10. One of the most conspicuous features of mergers is that they come in waves.       Explain various hypotheses and consequences of merger waves citing evidence in different perspectives.


11. With the introduction of payments banks, banking is just a touch away with mobile phones. They are a catalyst for achieving the goal of financial inclusion in the economy. Discuss and evaluate. 



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